Saturday, 14 december 2024
   Rules of using computers   
Users guide


Free of charge. Registered users can use certain services only.

In order to get a Library Card, you’ll need:

  • Identity card ( in case of minors, the identity card of a parent)
  • Written agreement (in case of minors the written argreement of a parent)
  • Passport photo
  •  Validation of the Library Card: 20 RON/year, 10 RON/year for unemployed or elderly people
  • The necessary application forms can be found in the library.

Borrowing terms

  • Only those can borrow, who have a stable or temporary residency in Harghita county. People from other counties and foreign countries can use services only on spot.
  • Only 5 documents can be borrowed at once. The time-limit is for 3 weeks (21 days), with one possible  extension ( another 3 weeks).

      In case of delay, the penalty is 0,50 RON/day- (until you pay the penalty, you              can’t borrow anything else, however you can read documents on spot!).

  • If you damage or loose the document, you can bring instead a same one or pay the standard price of the document ( according to act 334/2002 of the library law).
  • If the user fails to fulfill these requirements, the right to borrow can be revoked.

Computer using terms – for individuals or groups

  • Use computers for orientation, learning and editing.
  • Use only the computer that was assigned to you by the librarian. If you want to exchange it with someone, please ask permission first.
  • Do not use computers for online games, chat or other loud activities (like Skype, or watching movies).
  • Save your documents on USB flash-drive. Every saved document is automatically deleted at switch off.
  • Do not turn off the computer if you’re finished.
  • Ask permission if You want to install a new program.
  • Do not watch or download agressiv or offensive content from the internet. It’s forbidden!
  • Do not damage the computer.
  • If you have a problem, please ask help from the librarian.

Other terms

Take care of the installation, furniture and collections. Please keep the terms of use of the computers and internet (see above).

  • Please keep the library clean and keep the silence.
  • Please put your luggage down at the main entrence (charge free).
  • Eating and drinking inside the departments is forbidden.
  • Smoking is forbidden on the whole territory of the institution.



MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8.00 - 18.00 


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Consiliul Judeţean Harghita


Centrul Cultural Judeţean Harghita

Centrul Judeţean pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Harghita

Centrul Cultural şi de Arte Lăzarea

Editura "Hargita Népe"

Editura Harghita

Şcoala Populară de Artă
a Judeţului Harghita


30 éve

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