MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8.00 - 18.00
Consiliul Judeţean Harghita
Centrul Cultural Judeţean Harghita
Centrul Judeţean pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Harghita
Centrul Cultural şi de Arte Lăzarea
Editura "Hargita Népe"
Editura Harghita
Şcoala Populară de Artăa Judeţului Harghita
Stock 189 712 Printed books and periodicals, other items (audiovizual documents, CDs, DVDs, etc.)
Incoming items
Purchase 3797
Donation 837
Subventions 144
Number of users: 4709
Number of visitors: 53 010
Number of borrowed items: 86 439
Number of programs, events: 522 participants: 13 995
Aparitions on the press and online media: 287
Access from distance: 52 274
Note: Public Internet